院長紹介| 調布市国領町で歯科・歯医者をお探しの方は【医療法人社団晃明会 野瀬国際デンタルクリニック】まで

  • 調布市国領町・医療法人社団晃明会 野瀬国際デンタルクリニック・電話
  • メニュー
9:00 ~ 13:00
14:00 ~ 18:00
:土曜午後… ~17:00  :日曜午前… 9:30~
医療法人社団晃明会 野瀬国際デンタルクリニック・TEL 042-444-2115




Doctor greeting
調布市国領町・医療法人社団晃明会 野瀬国際デンタルクリニック・院長 野瀬 冬樹
院長 野瀬のせ 冬樹 ふゆき


皆様、初めまして。医療法人社団晃明会 野瀬国際デンタルクリニック Nose International Dental Clinic 院長の野瀬 冬樹と申します。


しかし、歯科治療は歯科医師ひとりで行っていくことはできません。 患者様のご協力が必要不可欠です。




  • 2002-2008年昭和大学歯学部 歯学科
  • 2008年3月昭和大学歯学部 歯学科 卒業
    歯科医師国家試験 合格
    歯科医師免許 取得
  • 2008-2009年昭和大学歯科病院 臨床研修医
  • 2009-2013年昭和大学 大学院 歯学研究科 博士過程(歯周病学専攻)
    都内歯科医院 勤務
  • 2013年3月昭和大学 大学院 歯学研究科 修了
    歯学博士号 取得
  • 2013年4月昭和大学 歯学部 歯周病学講座 兼任講師
  • 2013年6月渡米 ニューヨーク大学歯学部(NYUCD)インプラント科 留学
  • 2013-2015年NYUCD インプラント科 レジデント
  • 2015年6月NYUCD Advanced Program in Implant Dentistry 卒業
  • 2015-2016年NYUCD インプラント科 クリニカルフェロー
  • 2016年7月NYUCD Interdisciplinary Fellowship Program 修了
  • 2016年8月帰国
  • 2016-2017年医療法人ルークズスマイル 山中デンタルクリニック浜田山インプラントセンター 勤務
  • 2018年2月調布市国領町にて 野瀬国際デンタルクリニック Nose International Dental Clinic 開院
  • 2023年医療法人社団晃明会理事長就任


  • 歯学博士
  • International Academy of Contemporary Dentistry
    (iACD: 現代国際歯科学会) 認定医・指導医
  • International Congress of Oral Implantologist
    (ICOI: 国際インプラント学会) 認定医・指導医
  • 日本歯周病学会認定医
  • Board Member of iACD Journal Study Club
  • Academy of Osseointegration (AO: アメリカインプラント学会)
  • 日本口腔インプラント学会
  • 現代国際歯科学会(International Academy of Contemporary Dentistry: iACD)日本支部役員
  • Fellowship Program Director, International Academy of Contemporary Dentistry (iACD)
  • 昭和大学歯学部同窓会理事
  • 調布市歯科医師会理事


  • A Three-Staged Split Crest Technique – A Case Series for Horizontal Ridge Augmentation in the Atrophic Posterior Mandible. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2018 Mar 13. doi: 10.11607/prd.2907.
  • Crucial Role of Perilipin-3 (TIP47) in Formation of Lipid Droplets and PGE2 Production in HL-60-Derived Neutrophils. PLoS One. 2013 Aug 1;8(8):e71542. doi: 10.1371
  • The Effect of Ultrasound on Human Gingival Epithelial Cells. The Japanese Journal of Conservative Dentistry.54(6), 424-431, 2011
  • Alternative Treatment Option for Atrophic Ridges – Custom Alveolar Ridge Splitting Technique. JICD, Vol. 3, No. 2, e003, 2022


  • May5-7, 2017 iACD New York Annual Symposium, New York, NY

    Nose, Fuyuki.Clinical Case Report of 3 Staged Split Crest Technique.

  • November 11-13, 2016 The First Greater China Implant Symposium & International Academy of Contemporary Dentistry (iACD) Asia-Pacific Congress

    Nose, Fuyuki; Suzuki Takanori; Cho, Sang-Choon. Sequential Treatment Planning for the Severely Resorbed Bone in the Esthetic Zone

  • April 20-22, 2016 Research Scolarship Expo Application, New York, NY

    Nose, Fuyuki; AlrajhiMashal; Al-Attar Nour; Cho, Sang-Choon; ParanhosKlenise. Sequential Treatment Planning for Esthetic Restoration to Re-establish Ridge Contour and Papilla

  • February 12-14, 2016 International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI) Winter Symposium, Doral, MI

    Nose, Fuyuki; Hafez, Tarek; Choucroun, Guillaume; Paul Yu; Takanori Suzuki; Sang-Choon Cho, Peter Loomer. Sequential treatment planning for esthetic restoration

  • November 13-15, 2015 The 18th ICOI Asia-Pacific Section Congress, Angkor Wat, Siem Reap, Cambodia

    Alodadi, Abdullah; Nose, Fuyuki; SeguelCartes, Alejandra; Paranhos, Klenise; Yu, Yung Cheng Paul; Suzuki, Takanori; Cho, Sang-Choon. Surgical Considerations of Staged Ridge Splitting.

  • October 15-17, 2015 XXXII International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI) Annual Meeting, Berlin, Germany

    Nose, Fuyuki; Ashraf Elzer; Tarek Hafez; TakanoriSzuki; Froum, Stuart; Cho, Sang-Choon. Staged Ridge Splitting Procedures - Case Series

  • October 8-9, 2015 Northeast Postgraduate Implant Symposium, Baltimore, MD

    Nose, Fuyuki; Hafez, Tarek.Utilizing Tooth as Drilling Guide for Implant Placement.

  • April 23-24, 2015 NYUCD/NYUCN Annual Research Day and Student Research Exposition, New York, NY

    Nose, Fuyuki; Florio, Salvatore; Yu, Yung Cheng Paul; Cho, Sang-Choon; Froum, Stuart; Loomer, Peter. Clinical Indications/Limitations of the Tunnel Technique for Atrophic Maxilla.

  • April 9-11, 2015 XXII CongressoNazionale del CollegiodeiDocentiUniversitari di discipline Odontostomatologiche, Milan, Italy

    Florio, Salvatore; Nose, Fuyuki; Yu, Yung Cheng Paul; Grasso, Giuseppe; Cho, Sang-Choon. Predicted Sequence of Treatment for Severely Atrophic Maxilla Anterior Region with Implant Restoration.

  • March 7-9, 2015 30th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Osseointegration, San Francisco, CA

    Nose, Fuyuki; Florio, Salvatore; VillegaLupo; Cho Sang-Choon; Froum Stuart; Loomer Peter. Clinical Indications and Limitations of Surgical Tunnel Technique for Horizontal Ridge Augmentation.

  • February 26-27, 2015 87th Annual Meeting of the American Prosthodontic Society, Chicago, IL

    Almufleh, Adi; Nose, Fuyuki; Almutairi, Saqer; Granda Gill, Graciela; Liang, Chih-Chieh; Cho, Sang-Choon. Various Clinical Options to Refabricate Old Worn Hybrid Type Restoration.

  • November 28-December 3, 2014 Greater New York Dental Meeting, New York, NY

    Nose, Fuyuki; Florio, Salvatore; Hadiutomo, Ivan; Bloom, Mitchell; Suzuki, Takanori; James, Stephen; Cho, Sang-Choon; Froum, Stuart; Loomer Peter. Immediate Implant Placement and Immediate Provisionalization Utilizing 3-D Printing.

  • October 3-5, 2014 XXXI International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI) Annual Meeting, Tokyo, Japan

    Nose, Fuyuki; Florio, Salvatore; Alhrthy, Fadwa; Yu, Yung Cheng Paul; Bloom, Mitchell; Froum, Stuart; Loomer, Peter; Cho, Sang-Choon. Utilizing 3-D Printed Model for Immediate Implant Placement and Immediate Provisionalization.

  • April 24-25, 2014 NYUCD/NYUCN Annual Research Day and Student Research Exposition, New York, NY

    Molina Rojas, Giovanni; Nose, Fuyuki; Marcucci, Augusto; Scolnick, Jeffrey; Cho, Sang-Choon; Froum, Stuart; Loomer, Peter. Utilizing a Pre-Formed Poly-D-L-Lactin (PDLLA) Membrane to Enhance Soft Tissue Volume.

  • March 7-9, 2014 29th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Osseointegration, Seattle, WS

    Molina Rojas, Giovanni; Nose, Fuyuki; Scolnick, Jeffrey; Cho, Sang-Choon; Froum, Stuart; Engebretson, Steven; Loomer, Peter. Enhancement of Soft Tissue Volume Utilizing a Pre-Formed Poly-D-L-Lactin Acid (PDLLA) Membrane.

  • November 29-December 4, 2013 Greater New York Dental Meeting, New York, NY

    Molina Rojas, Giovanni; Nose, Fuyuki; Davide, Cuocolo; Konstantinou, Alexandra; Termechi, Omid; Cho, Sang-Choon; Froum, Stuart; Engebretson, Steven. Nobel Approach for Enlargement of the Inter-Implant Papilla.

  • October 13, 2012, 56th The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, Tokyo, JAPAN

    Nose, Fuyuki; Yamaguchi, Tomohiro; Aiuchi, Toshihiro; Yamamoto, Matsuo; Itabe, Hiroyuki. Perilipin-3 (TIP47) has a crucial role in formation of lipid droplets and PGE2 production in HL-60-derived neutrophils.

  • September 5-8, 2012 The American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, the International Conference on the Bioscience of Lipids and the Canadian Lipoprotein Conference, Banff Alberta, Canada

    Nose, Fuyuki; Yamaguchi, Tomohiro; Aiuchi, Toshihiro; Yamamoto, Matsuo; Itabe, Hiroyuki. Perilipin-3 (TIP47) has a crucial role in formation of lipid droplets and PGE2production in HL-60-derived neutrophils.

  • December 13-16, 2011 The Molecular Biology Society of Japan, Yokohama, Japan

    Nose, Fuyuki; Yamaguchi, Tomohiro; Aiuchi, Toshihiro; Uehara, Masumi; Usui, Michihiko, Yamamoto, Matsuo; Itabe, Hiroyuki.The role of lipid droplets in the synthesis of prostaglandin E2 in HL-60 neutrophil.


  • September 25, 2015 “Fundamental of Implant Dentistry.”New York University College of Dentistry, New York, NY
  • September 29, 2015 “Overdenture.” New York University College of Dentistry, New York, NY
  • June 6, 2017 “Digital Dental Photography.” Study Club Showa, Showa University School of Dentistry, Tokyo, Japan
  • November 26, 2017 “Overdenture.” Yamanaka Dental Clinic Hamadayama Implant Center, Tokyo, Japan


  • トップ10ポスター選出 第30回アメリカインプラント学会(サンフランシスコ)
  • 第3位入賞 第31回国際口腔インプラント学会年次大会(東京)
  • 最優秀発表者賞 第56回日本薬学会関東支部大会(東京)
調布市国領町・医療法人社団晃明会 野瀬国際デンタルクリニック


院長の野瀬は、生まれも育ちもここ調布です。 小さい頃から、地域の皆様の温かさに触れながら育ってきました。





Dr. Sang-Choon Cho
Associate Director of Clinical Research and Clinical Assistant Professor,
Director of Advanced Program for International Dentists in Implant Dentistry,
Co-Director of Clinical Research in the Ashman Department of Periodontology and Implant
Dentistry, New York University College of Dentistry.
Board of ICOI Advanced Credential Commission.

  • 調布市国領町・医療法人社団晃明会 野瀬国際デンタルクリニック
  • 調布市国領町・医療法人社団晃明会 野瀬国際デンタルクリニック
調布市国領町・医療法人社団晃明会 野瀬国際デンタルクリニック・PAGETOP